Monday, August 15, 2011

Susah sangat ke?

I remembered when I was 7, my dad asked me whether I could start fasting. He said that since I have entered school, I am a big girl now therefore I need to fast. He even promised that he will give me RM3 for every day that I managed to fast from dawn till dusk. Of course as a 7 year old, its very difficult to me to fast full day. There are too many challenges to face especially the van roti..nyum nyum!

Fast forward 19 years later, I am a 26 years old woman. Every year I look forward for bulan Ramadhan. Its the only time where I can really focus on my family (due to working commitment its difficult to do it on other months) and for some reason Ramadhan has a different aura than any other month.

For me fasting from dawn till dusk is not a big deal for a 26 year old. There are so many people in the world that have to starve to death on a daily basis and having to go without food and water for few hours in a month is no where near to that horrific situation. And for that reason, I have failed to understand when I saw another Muslim adult with a fit physic did not fast during the month of Ramadhan. I am not that religious and far from being perfect, but if doing such ibadah is too difficult too you. Then too bad brother and sister, you have lost my respect.

I am not here to preach and I don't think I'm good enough to tell people what to do. But when you give me petty reason for not fasting, you just making a fool of yourself and not to forget that actually you are telling the whole world how selfish you are.

I am sorry that I failed to understand you. You are so scared of eating in a restaurant with no halal logo but you are not afraid to eat in front of your Muslim colleague during the day. You are the first people who always quote any Quranic verses when you speak but you failed to respect your Muslim friends when they advise you to start fasting. I just don't get it. At the age of 30, susah sangat ke nak puasa?

I don't get it either..:3

P/S: Tak faham kenapa ada orang lebih takut makan babi dari takut balasan Allah sebab tak puasa.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mission for Ramadhan

Rasa macam tak percaya, rupanya dah sepuluh hari dah puasa. Hurmmm macam sekejap jer. Tak lama lagi Raya pulak. Kalau tengok orang sekeliling, semua dah sakan nak buat persiapan Raya. Baju raya dah siap beli sampai 4-5 pasang, biskut raya sampai penuh rak etc. Orang Malaysia ni kalau bab beraya memang sakan sikit. Biar papa asalkan bergaya lah kan. Lepas raya semua makan maggie. Itu pun kalau duit masih cukup nak beli maggie.

Itu baru cakap pasal perbelanjaan persiapan Ramadhan, kalau tengok persiapan berbuka pun tak kurang hebat. Selagi tak penuh meja, selagi tu rasa nak beli. Pendek kata kalau nak kaya cepat bulan Ramadhan, jadilah tauke bazaar Ramadhan. Jangan risau pasal rasa, kan boleh bagi alasan puasa? Harga pulak boleh charge setinggi mungkin. Yelah, sekarang ni harga semua naik. Inflasi jer dah 3.3% mestilah harga makanan naik 3.3 kali ganda kan?

Actually that was how I am last year. But this year, I have decided to celebrate Ramadhan and the coming Syawal differently. Instead of buying my baju kurung which can cost me hundred of Ringgit and indulging myself at bazaar Ramadhan, I have decided to tailor-made my baju kurung and cook my own food. Memanglah penat nak masak lepas balik kerja, but that is what family members are for. Gotong-royonglah memasak nak berbuka. Kepuasan memang tak dapat nak digambarkan.

Jadi, apa nak buat dengan duit yang lebih? Senang saja. Simpan, menabung ataupun melabur. Sekarang ni senang sangat nak buat duit dengan cara yang elok. Ni tak, sikit-sikit nak join MLM...There are so many ways to have your money work for you. Sekarang harga komoditi emas naik, eloklah kalau nak beli akaun emas kat mana-mana komersial bank. Cukup masa, jual. Kan dapat untung. Kalau tak yakin, ASN, ASB, ASW dan macam-macam lagi safe investment yang kita boleh buat. Kalau tak tau jugak, silalah bertanya. Kalau nak dapat lebih banyak pulangan, lagi elok kalau lebihan duit tu didermakan kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Banyak badan kebajikan yang memerlukan bantuan.

Apa-apa pun, semua ni terpulang pada individu. Tepuk dada, tanya selera.