Monday, December 6, 2010

You and Me...We are different

Since we are a small kid, we are told to follow the rule and to obey the elders. We are told to conform with the society or else we are doom for eternity. But whether we believe it or not, the society has becoming to judgmental and sometimes too ridiculous for us to follow. I must say that I am lucky for I have been raised with such a wonderful parent where we are told to follow our heart on what is right and to not be so quick to judge on something. In fact, if we have something that is bothering us, we can always discuss them with our parent. And my parent also told us that parent is not always right. They can make mistake and we are free to tell them that. Coz for them, what is wrong will still be wrong no matter how you try to justify it.

In this society, standing for what is right can be quite challenging at times. I remember one day when a friend of mine try to voice out her concern on something at the office and she ended up being accused as "Jahat". I was shocked coz few of other people know that what she say is right and the sad thing is only few people stood for her when she was called by the management. I lost faith in truth that day. And I still remember how she cried.

Sometimes people say that I am too outspoken. They say that I should control myself when it comes to speak out to the elders, the management or even the authority. And I just don't understand why I was told such thing. Are we not allowed to say the truth anymore or we are so immune to the lies that we can come to accept anything that is shoved down our throat? I've been called "kurang ajar" a few times and so many other name just for telling the truth. Maybe Tom Cruise was right, you just can't handle the truth. Luckily I still have my family and friends that understand what I'm trying to do. I can't accept stupidity or pure lies. I can't accept people stereotyping other people because they don't follow the majority.

Though I have my own set of thoughts, I still respect people's opinion. People who think before they say something and people who are not so quick to jump the gun. This people are people who always check the fact before telling others something. They would not simply say something juast simply because they want to be popular. They are the minority people who still believe in saying the truth. This people is the rarity in today's world.

No matter what it is, we have to always remember that, others might not always agree with what we are trying to say. We can try to make them understand with the facts that we have but we shall not make assumptions coz assumptions only have 50% accuracy and like one of my lecturer always say, 50% is considered as 0% in the research world. If you want to make assumptions, make sure you are 95% accurate or don't make assumption at all. If people don't agree to what we have, then too bad. But we should never force other people to accept our concept coz some people just don't have a clue. No matter what you say, this kind of people will always use what you say against you. So when this happened, keeping quiet is the best thing to do. Take the high road when other people being worshiped for being so low.


Hellioz said...


we're in the same ferry


The Conversationalist said...

All I wanna say:

Screw them ALL!!!
