Monday, August 15, 2011

Susah sangat ke?

I remembered when I was 7, my dad asked me whether I could start fasting. He said that since I have entered school, I am a big girl now therefore I need to fast. He even promised that he will give me RM3 for every day that I managed to fast from dawn till dusk. Of course as a 7 year old, its very difficult to me to fast full day. There are too many challenges to face especially the van roti..nyum nyum!

Fast forward 19 years later, I am a 26 years old woman. Every year I look forward for bulan Ramadhan. Its the only time where I can really focus on my family (due to working commitment its difficult to do it on other months) and for some reason Ramadhan has a different aura than any other month.

For me fasting from dawn till dusk is not a big deal for a 26 year old. There are so many people in the world that have to starve to death on a daily basis and having to go without food and water for few hours in a month is no where near to that horrific situation. And for that reason, I have failed to understand when I saw another Muslim adult with a fit physic did not fast during the month of Ramadhan. I am not that religious and far from being perfect, but if doing such ibadah is too difficult too you. Then too bad brother and sister, you have lost my respect.

I am not here to preach and I don't think I'm good enough to tell people what to do. But when you give me petty reason for not fasting, you just making a fool of yourself and not to forget that actually you are telling the whole world how selfish you are.

I am sorry that I failed to understand you. You are so scared of eating in a restaurant with no halal logo but you are not afraid to eat in front of your Muslim colleague during the day. You are the first people who always quote any Quranic verses when you speak but you failed to respect your Muslim friends when they advise you to start fasting. I just don't get it. At the age of 30, susah sangat ke nak puasa?

I don't get it either..:3

P/S: Tak faham kenapa ada orang lebih takut makan babi dari takut balasan Allah sebab tak puasa.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mission for Ramadhan

Rasa macam tak percaya, rupanya dah sepuluh hari dah puasa. Hurmmm macam sekejap jer. Tak lama lagi Raya pulak. Kalau tengok orang sekeliling, semua dah sakan nak buat persiapan Raya. Baju raya dah siap beli sampai 4-5 pasang, biskut raya sampai penuh rak etc. Orang Malaysia ni kalau bab beraya memang sakan sikit. Biar papa asalkan bergaya lah kan. Lepas raya semua makan maggie. Itu pun kalau duit masih cukup nak beli maggie.

Itu baru cakap pasal perbelanjaan persiapan Ramadhan, kalau tengok persiapan berbuka pun tak kurang hebat. Selagi tak penuh meja, selagi tu rasa nak beli. Pendek kata kalau nak kaya cepat bulan Ramadhan, jadilah tauke bazaar Ramadhan. Jangan risau pasal rasa, kan boleh bagi alasan puasa? Harga pulak boleh charge setinggi mungkin. Yelah, sekarang ni harga semua naik. Inflasi jer dah 3.3% mestilah harga makanan naik 3.3 kali ganda kan?

Actually that was how I am last year. But this year, I have decided to celebrate Ramadhan and the coming Syawal differently. Instead of buying my baju kurung which can cost me hundred of Ringgit and indulging myself at bazaar Ramadhan, I have decided to tailor-made my baju kurung and cook my own food. Memanglah penat nak masak lepas balik kerja, but that is what family members are for. Gotong-royonglah memasak nak berbuka. Kepuasan memang tak dapat nak digambarkan.

Jadi, apa nak buat dengan duit yang lebih? Senang saja. Simpan, menabung ataupun melabur. Sekarang ni senang sangat nak buat duit dengan cara yang elok. Ni tak, sikit-sikit nak join MLM...There are so many ways to have your money work for you. Sekarang harga komoditi emas naik, eloklah kalau nak beli akaun emas kat mana-mana komersial bank. Cukup masa, jual. Kan dapat untung. Kalau tak yakin, ASN, ASB, ASW dan macam-macam lagi safe investment yang kita boleh buat. Kalau tak tau jugak, silalah bertanya. Kalau nak dapat lebih banyak pulangan, lagi elok kalau lebihan duit tu didermakan kepada mereka yang memerlukan. Banyak badan kebajikan yang memerlukan bantuan.

Apa-apa pun, semua ni terpulang pada individu. Tepuk dada, tanya selera.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tipah Tertipu

Ok I am that Tipah. After nearly a year waiting, TMnet have installed my Unifi as promised (itu pun setelah berjaya diamukkan pada customer service). Tapi...Unifi ni lagi bongok dari Streamyx. Before this, I can easily watch any videos without waiting for the video to load. Now, it took me approximately 1 hour to load a 15 mins video. Oh tolonglah. I decided to instal Unifi is because of their ads saying that it is the fastest broadband in town. But now, speed dia lagi slow daripada Yuki time tak makan. FYI, Yuki ialah kucing gemuk moi yang seberat 8kg. So just imagine berapa laju dia berjalan time dia tak makan.

Does anyone know the phone number for TMnet CEO. Saya rasa seperti mahu mengamuk sekarang. Haish!

This is Yuki the fat cat.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bon Odori Festival

My little sister is a Japanese culture addict. Anything Japanese, I am sure she can tell you the whole history till its core. She can even speak fluently by watching anime and now I am proud to say that she has pass her Japanese language test conducted by the Japan Foundation (JF) with flying colour *mode kakak yang bangga*.

Last year she had been offered to learn Japanese language exclusively in Japan via a summer program conducted by JF. And boy, I can tell you that it was the happiest moment of her life sampai tak nak balik Malaysia. Nasib baik dia tak mintak jadi warga negara Jepun. During her stay there, she bought two beautiful Yukata. Nak tau apa Yukata? Yukata is a traditional costume that is made from cotton which is common seen wore by the ladies during summer festival such as bon odori. Tak der lah mahal sangat. Its only RM150 per set. Quite cheap if you consider the quality. My sister even learned how to wear the Yukata, coz if you wrapped the Yukata wrongly it would have a different meaning. Nak tau apa meaning dia, silalah tanya Pak Cik Google.

So, since she bought the Yukatas last summer, it has been sitting idle in a closet waiting for us to wear it. Tapi gila lah pulak kalau sekadar nak pakai Yukata tu pegi berjalan kat tengah-tengah KL. Tak pasal-pasal orang kata moi as orang Jepun gila. Therefore, we decided that the best time to make use of the Yukatas is by going to the Bon Odori Festival which was held in Matsushita Stadium Shah Alam last night. My reason to go to the festival? Lots and lots of Japanese food..nyum nyum.

So, we arrived at the Stadium at 6 p.m, the parking is limited and we was told to park at the graveyard. I was like "Biar betul? dah la nanti nak balik gelap"..But we have no choice. It took us almost 10 minutes to walk to the stadium and upon reaching there we were given a fan each by the volunteers. Once we were inside, we can see there are a lot of food stalls selling Japanese food. I feel like I'm in heaven. You can choose any type of food and drink. Eventhough the price is quite expensive tapi oklah. Its authentic Japanese food. After we had our light dinner, we decided to go and seat near the center stage to wait for the event to start. Masa ni lah you can see a sea of people wearing their own definition of Japanese costume. Ada yang boleh menyebabkan anda tergelak guling-guling pun sebab you can see that they are trying to hard sampai jadi fashion victim.

At 7 p.m the event start with a drum performance. My little sister is the one that are most excited. Biasalah dia dah pernah sentuh bendalah tu. She keep on telling us how hard it is to play this thing and yada yada yada. After that the announcer asked everyone to gather at the middle field in circle. Owh acara nak mula dah. On the stage there are a group of teens wearing Yukata, they will show us the step to the bon odori dance. The funny thing is, me and my sis and also her friends have no intention to dance at all. Ingat nak tangkap gambar, makan and balik. But after thinking for a while, might as well we just follow them. Like they say, masuk kandang kambing mengembek and masuk kandang harimau mengaum. And mengaum la akhirnya kami.

Hahaha none of us know how to dance and even though there are people on the stage to lead tapi I guess our hands and feet are not coordinated. Hancur. In the middle of the dance, suddenly we noticed there is a guy with a big camera recording our move for quite sometimes. Scary but we decided to ignore the camera. Buat bodoh jelah kan. I'm not an artist. After the end of round one, a petite lady came to us and ask us whether we are local. I said yes and she said she from local network (tak ingat tv mana) and want to ask us few questions. We thought what harm could it be, so layan je lah. After the interview, the second round start and to our surprise the crew had decided to record our steps all the way till the end of round 2. Oh my! Gila step hancus and muka serabai. At first we thought of running but there is this one Japanese uncle keep on giving us words of encouragement so we decided to continue. Apa lagi, kami pun menari sampai habis round 3.

We decided to call it a night at 9 pm since I think it is kinda scary to walk to the car when its too late. So berjalan lah kami berempat melalui kubur Melayu, Cina dan India (like a friend of my sister said "Kubur 1Malaysia"). Since we only had light dinner, all of us decided to go to McDonald Section 3 for supper. When we reached there all eyes were on us. Yelah mesti semua orang dok fikir, Jepun mana lah sesat kat Shah Alam ni pakai Yukata berselirat. But with our ability to keep on our poker face, we managed to eat our food happily. Tired, happy and satisfied, we continue our journey home and sleep with a happy thought.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Waking up to reality

Been away from the reality for quite sometime. Its not like anybody care but for once I think it is the best thing I ever done. For the past one month, I've been reflecting on life and what I want to do with it. I've lost someone that I love so dearly coz he decided to end his life. There is nothing I could do to change the fact that he is not here with me. No tears can ever bring him back to life again. I hope he is happy with his decision no matter where he is now. I shall stop lingering on the past and start living in the present. I should be thankful for what I've got now. My family, my friend and my career (though it can be a pain in the arse sometimes).

I turned 26 last May. Yeayyy I'm a year older but I still have so many things to learn. After all, life is all about learning. Work is still work. Nothing change. We are still busy becoming the unsung heroes for the nation's greater good. I have decided to be a happy and healthy woman by taking care of myself and doing the right thing. One thing that I'm proud of is I never failed to go to the gym every single day and I have registered myself to join a marathon (ok walaupun marathon tu hanyalah sejauh 5km...who cares).

Ok itu sahaja yang saya boleh update for this time. Need to prepare ingredients for my sushi potluck tomorrow. Gonna update something soon!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Emotionally Exhausted

You enter my life uninvited,
Filling me with all the empty promises,
For once,
I'm letting my guard down,

You decided to leave,
Thinking I'll be okay on my own,
Thinking I am strong enough to push everything through,

I'm not!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Attention whore

No one cares what you want to do
People will not die without you
What ever you do
It would not change the fact that you are just
An attention whore!!

P/S: Honey, the world does not evolve around you..Buzz off!

Friday, February 25, 2011

I don't give a damn

If I start to worry about what people might do to me
Or what they say about me
Or even what they think about me
I'll have to stop living my life

I can't ask people to stop what they wanna do
or say
or think

But I can control what I do
Or what I say,
Or even feel
Coz I'm in charge of myself
Not others
And they have no right to bring me down
In fact they just can't bring me down

At the end of the day, you can do what ever you want, say what ever you want, think what ever you want
But honey,
Deep down inside, I know myself more than you know me
Lemme be the judge of myself
And I know that I'm still better than YOU!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

News that make me puke

I hate reading Malay newspapers. Reasons are, they are full of lies and not properly research stories plus these papers like to spread unnecessary propaganda..Its like living during the World War II era..I accidentally stumble to this news while browsing the net. It makes me wanna rage so badly. I mean I get it that its Utusan and that the main objective of the newspaper is to be government propaganda machine, but too much of everything is so sickening beyond anything.
I think Malaysia is becoming so much like a communist country where there are no such things as freedom of speech. If you say something that makes the government look bad or uncool, just pray to God that some moral police or Government top asslicker doesn't hang you out to dry.

Just take for example Tengku Zafrul, CEO of Maybank Investment in this article, he is expressing his opinion that Tan Sri Isa Samad is not suitable to be the President of Felda. I highly think this is due to his past corruption case. He was found guilty for seven corruption charges and money politic. And Tengku Zafrul is right, appointing Tan Sri Isa as a President of any GLC just show that Malaysia look at corruption as a small thing where we have been trying so hard to fight corruption in all sectors. Why do we have to appoint him as a president? Don't we have other eligible candidates to be the president? Its just scream cronyism at its core, to me.

And why do we have to blame Tengku Zafrul for expressing his opinion? He is right. And why pressuring him to resign. Come on, he got his job because he is good at it not because he is some asslicker to the government who only say yes to everything even if its the wrong thing. By the way, he didn't get his job from Prime Minister yer Encik-Senator-yang suka cakap sesedap mulut. Please check your facts right. Go to Bank Negara and learn how top management of a Financial Institutions are being appointed. Don't make Malaysia look like a cowboy-nation. We have governance in place. Tolong jangan malukan kaum. Politik tu politik juga, tapi bawak2 la guna otak sekali dua.

And what it has to do with his family. My God, he's making that statement base on his own opinion, why must you bring all tok nenek susur galur into this issue? Biarla dia anak Mat Kilau pun, his view is his view..It has got nothing to do with his family. Plus, defying PM for speaking the truth doesn't make him ungrateful person. Owh wait! In Malaysia, it is wrong to speak the truth..No wonder people prefers to lie. Common sense has long gone in Malaysia.

P/S: I didn't mean to make this post as a political post. As a younger generation, it is sad to read all the lies spreading all over the net about Malaysia and we don't have the avenue to verify the story. And what is more appalling, these lies are made by our beloved asslicking-politician. Hurm, scared of your own shadow?

Disclaimer: I'm not in any way related to Tengku Zafrul nor I ever work in his organization. I'm speaking for myself, as a younger generation who yearns to see Malaysia free from all dirty,stupid politician be it the Government or the Opposition.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Power to Choose

I was watching the Bio. Channel when I suddenly got the idea to write this post. The program called "Shanghai Bride" where it tells about the current trend in Shanghai girls when they are choosing a husband. It is said that girls in Shanghai are choosy and that they only marry a rich guy preferably foreign expatriates. It happens since there are more boys than girls in China due to "1 Child" Policy introduced in the 1980s. What is interesting is that the show follows ordinary Shanghai man and woman on their quest to find their "true love". One man, in particular, attracts me. His name is Mr. Wu, a divorcee who work as an electrician with the salary of RMB1,000 (RM500). He tried to get help with few matchmaking agencies but still cannot find the right girl suitable to be his wife. His problems? On top of his small salary and unattractive physics (which I think is a trivial thing) is his attitude. He is so cocky and have no effort on his own when it comes to go own a date and flirt with a girl. I just can't believe that during his first date with a girl that are being set up by the agency, he just let the girl do all the talking without having the effort to join in the conversation. He also waited for the girl to called him instead of him calling the girl. And on top of that he seems uninterested when the girl is showing every effort to get to know him. Hurmm.

I once go on a blind date with a guy whom I get to know from a friend of mine. I'm a bit skeptical about going for a blind date but I still do it out of respect to my friend (which is not a good thing). Since we never exchange any photos before hand, I went to the blind date without knowing how the date of mine will look like. When I reached to the specific place I called him and he demanded for me to guess which one is the guy that I'm supposed to date (huh?). I was quite annoyed. To my surprise, he was in front of me the whole time,laughing when he saw my clueless face. When I realised that he is the person I'm looking for, I went straight to him and introduced myself. I was quite shocked when he just ignored me and instead went to answer a call from his friend. WTH??

The date went on for 2 and half hour. The most torturous moment of my life. Why?? Coz he can't seem to stop talking about himself, even when I tried to interject his conversation. And when its the time for me to say something, he will look at some other places. Talking about being disrespectful. I still can tolerate that he doesn't have the look and the height that I preferred(hey, a girl can dream. Right???), but I am irritated when he seems to me as a narcissistic coz he can't stop talking and bragging about his career and life.

Since that painful episode, I have blacklisted blind date in my to-do list. It is scary when you go on a date without knowing his face (Kalau muka pecah rumah, I would run away there and then), to top that up with bad attitude, a blind date seems not worthy enough to waste the time of your life to an unknown stranger.

I always hated when the guy is so full of himself. So, what if you have a big car? Or a big house? Or even a big paycheck? I don't care about all of that coz I already got my own. Though I can be materialistic at times, I don't like it when they are too full of themselves. Its annoying. I also would like the guy to show efforts in getting to know me. I don't like to do all the talking.

I have come across a few guy friends that say girls nowadays are too choosy. They have this opinion of girls only prefers wealthy handsome man to be the husband. And they keep blaming the girl, when their relationship fails. And with that, they think that can get away from being lazy.

For me, if the guy really wants to know or like you, he should be willing to put all the effort which includes improving himself for the better. Hey, its not easy to take care of someone's daughter. We eat rice and wear clothes. These items requires a lot of money. We are not looking for a billionaire but a guy who is willing to work his butt off just to feed his wife and kids. Ingat jaga anak senang?? If you don't have a million, jangan gedik nak kawin. Milk formula nowadays costs a fortune. Tu belum masuk diapers and also their medical. So, think carefully if you want to be in a relationship. For all girls, always remember that you have the power to choose.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Yeah Right

I've been having a flu for a week now. Its just annoying and I have tried everything to cure it off. I've taken the meds, eat all the oranges that my mum bought last week and even went to gym every other day but none seems to work. One day, I was short messaging by friend from work and I told her that I am having the worst flu ever. This is part of my conversation with her:-

Me : Missy, I'm having a flu. Its been 3 days and I had trouble sleeping.
Ms F : U having flu quite frequently. This is the second time in a month.
Me : Yup, but its not my fault. I don't want to get this stupid flu.
Ms F : Ain, did u always skip your Subuh prayer?
Me : Erk, what does it have to do with our earlier conversation? And do I have to tell you every time I had my Subuh prayer?
Ms F : My Ustazah once told me that people who missed their Subuh prayer tend to fall sick easily.
Me : Huh?? WTH??

Please anyone, tell me if there really is such scientific cases that shows if you skipped your Subuh prayer, you will easily catch a flu? Is this for real? I never heard this before. Okay, while I am not that pious, I'll try to perform my Subuh prayer everyday. I did have few times when I'm too sleepy to get up. But hey, the question here why does make such weird statement? When the world is moving to a high-tech era, I just don't believe that some people can ever say such things.

Did they ever thought that there are various of reasons why people fall sick? Its just really ridiculous . What if I really have a weak immune system, that a small dust can make me go itchy and sneeze and have a flu to a certain extend? Do I have to blame anyone for that?? How many times should I pray to ward it off?? I don't mean to be rude and disrespectful to the Ustazah but unless her statement is backed by relevant studies made by experts, I just think that I don't need to listen to her.

P/s: With this alarm clock, it would be difficult for me to miss my Subuh. Who need thousand Ringgit Iphone when I have this diva-I-am-awesome kitten named chcheek. She will wake me up at 530 am everyday for her breakfast by sitting on my body.

Chcheek with her big bro, Baby the white gay cat

Monday, January 3, 2011

La mia vita

Used tissues all over the room
Watery red eyes
Pink-blocked nose
Bottles of pills

Nah, I am not heartbroken
I'm just having a flu

p/s: Government hospital sucks! Am not going to use their facility anytime soon.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Omnia Vanitas

Die young and stay pretty, eh?

The last week of 2010 was the most boring week of my life. I had to go to office to clear few works and do some spring cleaning. Yup my office cubicle is just like a rat nest. Guilty! (heee :p) So every morning, I will be the first to arrived at the office and one of the thing I would do is to read the news in the internet. One of the news that caught my eyes is the death of a French model named Isabelle Caro of anorexia. Ok, to be honest I didn't really know her or her story but I was quite intrigue by her death due to anorexia. I ended up googling her on the net to know more about her. Seeing her latest pictures on the net is enough to make me have a nightmare for a week. How can a person do such thing to her own body?

What happened to Isabelle Caro is just one of the story of how a woman will go to a great length just to be beautiful. I mean, don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong trying to make yourself pretty and all dolled-up, but to the extent of hurting yourself? That is absurd!

Woman are being brainwashed to think that beauty is what necessary in life. They are afraid that they will be set aside by the society if they are not pretty enough by the society standard. Hence, they would do anything just to be beautiful. If they have dark skin, they would apply the whitening cream to their face and vice versa. What if you have flabby hands and cellulite all over your legs? Ahhh...don't fret my dear, there are always the mighty slimming pills or cream or you can diet. What? Too lazy?? Worry no more, we have plastic surgeon at your service.

The cosmetic industry have made billion of dollar a year to market beauty products to woman. It is difficult to hear cosmetic company goes bankrupt cause there will always be a demand from the consumer. It just show how important being beauty for a woman. Pretty woman are often being used by the advertising companies to sell a product even how useless the product is.

Since I was a teenager until I became an adult, I was often told that skinny woman is a pretty woman. I didn't know where does people get this idea. I have lots of girlfriend trying hard to be skinny as a pole just to be called pretty while I'm on the other hand, hogging all the food. (yeayyy!) I didn't care to diet and I didn't care about being pretty. I just like to enjoy my food, until now. I live to eat. People always told me to watch what I eat coz 1 drumstick that I ate would add pound to my thigh. Hurmm, but do I really care? Nah.. the more you tell me not to, the more I will do it. The idea of dieting never click in my brain. Luckily, I am always active. For me dieting is for the self-absorb. People go on diet for the wrong reason. They did not go on diet for the purpose of getting healthy, they just want to conform to the standard size of clothing. The lesser the number the normal you will be.

I'm not against any beauty products coz I still use some of it. But moderation is the key word. Being beautiful is not about harming your body. If you want to shed some pound, then head to the gym. There's always wonders to be found and hey, if you are lucky, cute guys with biceps awaits..hehehe...

Extreme dieting or extreme use of beauty products will lead to nowhere. At the end of the day, the inner beauty that counts coz physical beauty will fade overtime.