Saturday, January 8, 2011

Yeah Right

I've been having a flu for a week now. Its just annoying and I have tried everything to cure it off. I've taken the meds, eat all the oranges that my mum bought last week and even went to gym every other day but none seems to work. One day, I was short messaging by friend from work and I told her that I am having the worst flu ever. This is part of my conversation with her:-

Me : Missy, I'm having a flu. Its been 3 days and I had trouble sleeping.
Ms F : U having flu quite frequently. This is the second time in a month.
Me : Yup, but its not my fault. I don't want to get this stupid flu.
Ms F : Ain, did u always skip your Subuh prayer?
Me : Erk, what does it have to do with our earlier conversation? And do I have to tell you every time I had my Subuh prayer?
Ms F : My Ustazah once told me that people who missed their Subuh prayer tend to fall sick easily.
Me : Huh?? WTH??

Please anyone, tell me if there really is such scientific cases that shows if you skipped your Subuh prayer, you will easily catch a flu? Is this for real? I never heard this before. Okay, while I am not that pious, I'll try to perform my Subuh prayer everyday. I did have few times when I'm too sleepy to get up. But hey, the question here why does make such weird statement? When the world is moving to a high-tech era, I just don't believe that some people can ever say such things.

Did they ever thought that there are various of reasons why people fall sick? Its just really ridiculous . What if I really have a weak immune system, that a small dust can make me go itchy and sneeze and have a flu to a certain extend? Do I have to blame anyone for that?? How many times should I pray to ward it off?? I don't mean to be rude and disrespectful to the Ustazah but unless her statement is backed by relevant studies made by experts, I just think that I don't need to listen to her.

P/s: With this alarm clock, it would be difficult for me to miss my Subuh. Who need thousand Ringgit Iphone when I have this diva-I-am-awesome kitten named chcheek. She will wake me up at 530 am everyday for her breakfast by sitting on my body.

Chcheek with her big bro, Baby the white gay cat