Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tipah Tertipu

Ok I am that Tipah. After nearly a year waiting, TMnet have installed my Unifi as promised (itu pun setelah berjaya diamukkan pada customer service). Tapi...Unifi ni lagi bongok dari Streamyx. Before this, I can easily watch any videos without waiting for the video to load. Now, it took me approximately 1 hour to load a 15 mins video. Oh tolonglah. I decided to instal Unifi is because of their ads saying that it is the fastest broadband in town. But now, speed dia lagi slow daripada Yuki time tak makan. FYI, Yuki ialah kucing gemuk moi yang seberat 8kg. So just imagine berapa laju dia berjalan time dia tak makan.

Does anyone know the phone number for TMnet CEO. Saya rasa seperti mahu mengamuk sekarang. Haish!

This is Yuki the fat cat.