Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Single and ready to mingle..

14 February is a much awaited date for all couples especially girls (girl jer yang slalunye lebey2 bila time Valentine). Tapi bagi yang single, Valentine's Day takder apa-apa makna pun. Kalau nak ikutkan dalam Islam, Valentine's Day memang diharamkan sambutannya. Bila Valentine's Day, I always wonder, Do we only celebrate love on 14 Feb?? Kalau hari lain tak bley nak sambut ker?? Jawapan yang selalu diterima...ala hari lain boleh sambut, tapi bila 14 February dia jadi gempak skit, lebey romantik. Romantik ur head...sejak bila plak love should be limited on certain days..Tak pernah plak ada rules yang cakap macam tuh or did I missed the memo??

For single like moi, we prefers to celebrate S.A.D i.e. Single Awareness Day...A day where all singles should learn to appreciate themselves and be happy that we are commitment-free. Time nilah semua single patut rasa bersyukur that we don't have to make ourselves go migraine just to think of what to buy for our partner...harus diingat, nak beli bunga time Valentine's Day dah ala-ala nak beli sepasang kasut Jimmy Choo (I think I should quit my job and sell flowers during Valentine)...

Sebenarnya jadi single ni seronok (okeh, I try not to sound pathetic...ermm). Bila single dan tak terikat dengan apa-apa komitmen, we can do anything that we want without anyone stopping us (kepada twinku, anyone ni tak termasuk parent yer...heee:P). When we have someone else in our life, we tend to do something according what we thought will please them even though it does not necessarily pleases us. Sometimes, it would lead to us losing our own identity. So for those yang tak bersedia lagi nak commit, being single is the best answer for u.

I know that we cannot be single forever. Sooner or later we will find someone to be with us...But hey, what's the rush?? If you still young, just savour your youth till it last. If there is someone out there then let it be. Nak kalut-kalut buat apa? Just enjoy being single and get ready to mingle...heee betul tak??