Saturday, June 12, 2010

Digi collaborating with CELCOM?? Say it isnt soooo!!!

Owh god!! My eyes are playing tricks on me.. It cannot be true.. Please tell me I am dreaming. This is so unfair, though I already know that life is supposed to be unfair. Tapi kenapa benda ni terjadi?? Huwaa...Digi, how can you make this stupid collaboration with CELCOM (read this)?? Of all the telco we have in Malaysia, why do you have to choose them?? Their services is at not as par as what you have offered..

I know that this is a business decision, but should a customer have a say on this issue?? I for once hate CELCOM's services. They suck big time. I used CELCOM for nearly 10 years before changing to DiGi. 10 years of pure torture. It is not just me. The whole family used CELCOM and now we have been a loyal supporter of the fat yellow guy...hehehe

I may sound dramatic, but hey am I to be blamed when after 10 years all you got is a total headache. Owh by the way, CELCOM u still owe me rm126. Jangan buat-buat lupa. I will wait till the doomsday... Erm, anyone know about Maxis services. I think I might need to reconsider my telco provider again..huuu


Hazrey said...

It is not the right time to write or sign a pact like this.. when I, as a user, lost a phone.

It is like devil's pact.

And horay to them. Lepas ni, makin banyak drop calls dan cross line dengar suara Bangla and Indon talkin in their natives. Adikkk manissss

The Conversationalist said...

Pity you hazrey..takper buat wishlist for your birthday..mana tau dapat ker...

It is a devil pact..sorang setan biru and sorang jembalang kuning..memang devil pun..for me, Digi should not trouble themselves into entering this pact..they are good on their own..what I'm afraid is that they will become cleaner for all Celcom's mess..

Hahaha betul-betul..makin ramai la anak dara kat Malaysia ni cair ngan dorang..but that adik manis really sound creepy to me..

Azbahri said...

Maybe u hate celcom but in reality celcom is the country's best telco. In recent years they manage to gain biggest number of subscribers compare to maxis/digi, gaining their market share to 34% while maxis dropped to 40% and digi dropped to 25%. And we must understand celcom still own widest 2g and 3g coverage in malaysia.

Celcom won the best telco award from frost&sullivan for 2008, 2009, 2010. And internationally won award from Telecom Asia last april. These firms recognize celcom as the best operator.

I know you had a bad experience with celcom, but it is normal. My fren for example had a bad experience with maxis and digi, so no telco is perfect. This collaboration will bring benefit to both telco, at least digi can now cover those kampung2 which have no digi coverage before.

The Conversationalist said...

Epool: Yup Celcom may have the biggest subscriber in Malaysia..but you must also check how many customer have they lost this year alone. Ehem..I was a Celcom user for 10 years. Service is very bad. The line is so-so.