Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Love is blind (~_~)

My day start as usual today.. Went to work using ERL and after that using the Komuter to my office.. However, something quite unusual happened while I was waiting for the Komuter. When I came down to the platform while listening to my fave song in the Ipod, I heard a lady's voice. I thought it must be the KTM's announcement thus continue to make my way to the usual place where I always wait the Komuter. While waiting, I saw 2 new KTM staff standing in front of a lady sitting on the bench..I saw her talking to her handphone..Through my earphone, I decided to eavesdrop and this is what I heard...

Lady : Huwaaaa...sampai hati abang buat macam ni, setelah apa yang kita lalui (By this time,my eyes feel like popping out from the socket)

KTM Staff: Kak, kenapa ni..Sabar la.. (The 2 male staff trying their best to console her)

And by this time the lady's voice is getting louder..

Lady: Kenapa abang buat xxx menderita. xxx cintakan abang (Huh terus rasa macam tengok drama swasta kejap..mana taknya siap hentak-hentak kaki)

The 2 KTM's staff look at me trying to get my sympathy...Haha sorry la yer..saya tak reti nak berdrama swasta pepagi ni. I just want to go to work. And then, out of no where there is this Pakcik. From the way he dressed, he looked like orang alim. He walk to the 2 staff and kindly ask what happened..After being told by one of the staff..

Pakcik: Nak, sabar nak...Tak elok anak dara menangis depan orang ramai (huwaa pakcik tu hebat and cool...mana dia tau yang menangis ni anak dara?? Hebat-hebat..hehehe)

And what really surprise me, after the girl heard what the pakcik said, she start to sob even louder...

Lady : Abang, xxx masih cintakan abang..sampai hati abang..huwaaaaaaaa (She later throw her handphone to the floor and hit one of the KTM staff.. Kesian staff tu, tak pasal-pasal)

I can feel that everyone started to get annoy by this lady's behaviour. I think that pakcik mesti rasa macam nak tampar laju-laju jer kat minah tu..Me?? I tried my best to stay as far as possible from the drama..Even masa Komuter sampai pun, I was the first one boarding the train... Malu weyh..Dah la perempuan, sebangsa pulak tu..

Seriously, I just don't understand why must girl throw away their dignity just because of 1 guy...worth it ker melalak tempat awam hanya kerana seorang lelaki yang entah yer or entah tidak gonna be your life partner one day..My parent never teach me to be this low. It is a disgrace to see a Malay lady like her behaved in that kind of behaviour.. If the guy did cheat on you, save every last bit of your dignity and move on..He is stupid for leaving you. Why must you behaving this way?? He is not going to come back and worse people only talk bad things about you without even knowing who's the real culprit really is..Malu sorang-sorang jer..

To girls out there, love can be blind. But blind people can still use their brain to think before doing anything. If ever this situation happens to you, please and please hold your dignity and not to stoop to the lowest level. Jangan la buat malu kaum..


Hazrey said...

Nope, she did not called me sebab i lost my phone on the said day. So, it wasnt me. Dun look at me ok.

The Conversationalist said...

Haha takut nampak???

Hazrey said...

lupa nak tanya, kenapa tak record using your hp? and, of course, cun tak? kalau tak, lantak dia lah. kalau cun, alah keciannnnyaaaaaaa

The Conversationalist said...

Haha tak perlu kot nak rekod..buat abis battery blackberry jer..cun?? huh cun lagi mak leha belakang homestay my dad kat sungai petani and I'm being serious..but the KTM staff was kinda cute :p